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Robin - Honkai: Star Rail - Everything you need to know

Robin - Honkai: Star Rail - Everything you need to know

Robin - Honkai: Star Rail - Everything you need to know


Whenever Honkai: StarRail release a new harmony character, the gaming community is surely went all crazy about it. Why? Because the information and knowledge you need in order to optimize that character is all too overwhelming and Robin is not an exception. Particularly talking about boosting damage, we already have tons of things to put into consideration. However, this beautiful singer also have the ability to activate action priority for her whole team. Basically, imbalance! But in order to utilize Robin you have to digest a huge amount of information to build her the right way with the right team and the right relics. That's why we are here, Acheronz have already done all the tedious job just for you to enjoy the game. Let's dive right into it!

Robin, the queen of Zero Cycle

What is Zero Cycle?

If you are struggling in Forgotten Hall or Pure Fiction you will notice that in order to get the full 3 star the game demand you have to finish it in a particular range of cycle, in other words, under 10 cycle for the two halves of each floor. From there the word "zero cycle" is born, every enemy must be eliminated in the first cycle in order to achieve zero cycle. Because zero cycle push the game difficulty to the extreme so here is a little warning for folk out there that just want to enjoy the game and beautiful characters, this is professional, please do not attempt! Luckily the game developer have updated up to this point 3 limited harmony characters with immense power so this extreme difficult content is gradually becoming more common, somewhere in this patch this content will even become ordinary.

Summary of Robin

Talking about Robin we really have to go the distance so in this blog we are only going to discuss about some of the most important point that you should note about this pretty singer. We will keep working to post more about her as soon as possible, stay tuned!

1. Versatility

Robin is a harmony character, certainly she can fit into every comp you can think of. Especially she is the true last piece that fit into three support comp. Robin and Aventurine is the god tier dual in the game at this point.

2. Easy to build

Her building is pretty simple and straightforward you don't have to invest too much on difficult stat such as speed for Robin. Every stat just need to be somewhere in the middle and you can already put her into good use.

3. Doesn't need Lightcones to work

It really doesn't require Lightcones for Robin to excel, but if you do, it is on another level. We have two option that is both cost efficient and strong, which is Bronya Lightcones and Lightcones event free.

4. Game-breaking Eidolon 1

There are no mistake in wording here, her Eidolon 1 is truly game-breaking right now! You don't have to spend too much of your hard-earned money on Robin's Eidolon as her Eidolon 1 is more than enough.

5. The most important character in a follow-up team

Robin is surely a powerful songbird, she is the most important piece in a follow-up team. Specifically, Robin deal damage everytime her teammates take action, in a follow-up team it is busted, not to mention every action also regen more energy for Robin so the damage is stacked up massively. The follow-up comp with Robin can produce a crazy damage output, it is arguably the highest in the game right now doesn't matter you go zero cycle or go from cycle 1 to 5. It is even stronger than DOT meta, the Honkai: Star Rail community is currently calling her the power creep.

6. Skillset

Robin send bird, music and every beautiful thing in this world to the enemy location, making them fall all over longing for her. Anyway nothing special here

25 is indeed a huge number, you can absolutely make her a support if you want her to be. It used to be 50% every time she cast but that seem to be too broken to bring in the game so they adjust minute of silence for zero cycle community

Upon casting her ultimate, Robin walk down the stair and started performing. All the allies get a massive damage buff and bonus crit damage while Robin is singing in the background and sending 30 chirping bird to the enemies location. The damage buff here is pretty significant considering the fact that it is after every allies attack. So the faster your team, the more value Robin give! Additionally, while singing she passively gaining more energy from allies attack. Basically her ultimate depict those shounen anime where the bosses is winning and suddenly background music started to play out of nowhere and then... there's no then, they got beaten to a pup for no particular reason

Her talent is extremely important, not only it boost allies damage but also generate energy from allies attack. Considering her huge energy pool Robin's talent has solved every problem.

Again both Robin talent and technique allow her to generate more energy so you don't have to worry about it taking too long for her to live show again.

7. Downside

If someone have any idea to not use Robin, it is definitely her mana, it require her 160 mana to cast, surely, it is a huge number although her skill, talent and technique also give Robin more energy. It is extremely difficult to charge Robin up if it is not for the help of Hou Hou and Tingyun or without a follow-up team.


Here is the summary of what Robin give the team

  • Bonus Dmg : 50%
  • Crit DMG : 20%
  • Flat Attack : 1000-1400
  • FUA Crit Dmg : 25%
  • Advance Forward : 100%
  • Robin's Dmg : 120%

We have already listed 20 things about her but that is just the tip of the iceberg. In the upcoming blog we are going to talk about why Robin's kit is broken, stats and relics, build, lightcones, teambuilding and more. Stay tuned!

If you are looking for a trustworthy Honkai: Star Rail accounts shop, don't hesitate to contact Acheronz via:

  • +84355581180
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